
Happy Sunday Everyone

                New Stuff at the Ranch Store ! Check out the new hoodies and shirts and stay warm all while helping out the animals at the ranch.  click here to go to the ranch store. Thats just one of the many designs you'll find at the ranch store. I'm going to try and get a couple of videos loaded to the YouTube Channel on monday when we go out and have another "work" day at the ranch there is still tons and tons to do before we can officially bring the animals to their new pasture. Click Here to check out the Ranch store.  

December 1, 2022 Blog

      Good afternoon/evening everyone. I know its been awhile since I have wrote a blog post, but its been a busy few days around the homestead . Both at the 10 acre future homestead and the current homestead, add to it that we are trying to get ready for Christmas. And it makes for a busy busy day.                On the positive side I can not help myself to keep praising God on the homestead land that he has blessed us with. Ten beautiful acres of forest and pasture and beautiful dirt to grow lots and lots of veggies. We are getting very excited and it gets tougher and tougher for us to leave each day we go out to the property to work . I am planning on building an off grid cabin very very soon so we wont have to leave often , when the sun goes down we can just stay out there . Daylight savings time stinks and is a detriment on how much work I can get done in a day. Please remember to go to our YouTube channel as I am going t...

Update to the future Rocking RD ranch

 Hey there all I know , I know I haven't wrote for awhile on the progress on the off grid property. Well just to inform you we are still working on cleaning up the 100s of trees that the loggers left behind , just so we can have a road to drive into the property on. And hopefully soon get a cabin built . But alas, I am only one man doing this all on my own. Caitlynne , my yougest daughter went with me the other day so I did have some help, and that was greatly appreciated. I am going to try and get some photos and video of more of the progress and we will be putting those on YouTube channel so stay tuned and please subscribe and hit that notification button so you can stay up to date . Well I better get back to work on the cleaning up of this future home to the Rocking RD ranch.

Happy Thanksgiving 2022 !!!

                Hey there everyone, I am going to make this a fairly short Blog post , with it being the holiday and all. I really just wanted to say thank you to everyone who does read this . It is one of the things I am very thankful for on this day of thanksgiving. So what are you all thankful for? Leave me a comment in the comment section for telling me what it is you are grateful and thankful for. I am thankful for my family and the time I get to spend with them. We truly do not know when our last day will be so cherish the time you have, every minute of it. I am most thankful for my Lord and savior Jesus Christ for his sacrifice so that I may be saved . I thank God every day for each new day he gives me and I just try and serve him the best I possibly can and to remember to always give him the Glory in everything I say , everything I do, in my thoughts and in my actions I want to serve him and glorify him ALWAYS!!!   ...

Bible Study for 11/15/2022

                          Good afternoon , everyone . I hope you all are having a great day and that it is filled with many blessings from the Lord. Remember to always give thanks to God for all he does. We owe him so much in our lives.   This was this mornings devotional, and it spoke volumes to me. No matter what we may be dealing with in our own lives , we must always remember that God knew these things were going to happen before they actually did. He has it under control , and it is up to us to have faith and to trust in his plan completely . I must admit this seems hard, sometimes impossible but nothing is ever impossible with God. I am remembered of one of my favorite scriptures Philippians 4;13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me".  As long as we have Jesus in our  'corner" , standing there right by our side we can do absolutely anything. I hope and pray that whome...


                Good Sunday morning folks. I am always excited for Sunday for that is the Lords day. OK OK they're all the Lords day and we should treat all the days the same and give Glory to God every day and not just on one particular day.                 Today the Lord has put it on my heart to study Joshua 1:8 - 9. So come on in and join me shall you.  This is the Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong , and of good courage; do not be afraid,nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.  Praise God !!! If that is not inspiring , I don't know what is . As it says in John, For God so loved the world he gave his only son , so whosoeve...

Bible Study for 11/10/2022

Good Morning All! I hope you woke up ready to serve the Lord. As always I want to welcome you to this Blog and pray with you all. Father God, I come to you this morning to say thank you for your blessing of a new day in which to serve you. I thank you for my family, and ask that you keep them safe and to wrap your loving arms around them so they can feel your love. I thank you for the blessing of the land and ask that you continue to guide me in being a good steward of your land. To bring your vision to fruition. And make your land one of abundance for our family. Thank you in your sons name Jesus, Amen.             "Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with our God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through whom also we have access by faith ineo grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that,  but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance, and perseve...