Bible Study for 11/15/2022

                     Good afternoon , everyone . I hope you all are having a great day and that it is filled with many blessings from the Lord. Remember to always give thanks to God for all he does. We owe him so much in our lives.  

This was this mornings devotional, and it spoke volumes to me. No matter what we may be dealing with in our own lives , we must always remember that God knew these things were going to happen before they actually did. He has it under control , and it is up to us to have faith and to trust in his plan completely . I must admit this seems hard, sometimes impossible but nothing is ever impossible with God. I am remembered of one of my favorite scriptures Philippians 4;13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me". 

As long as we have Jesus in our  'corner" , standing there right by our side we can do absolutely anything. I hope and pray that whomever reads this finds hope and inspiration from these words and it lifts you up. 
Have a great day and be blessed. 


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