Ok I may not be an expert in this field, just being honest here. However I do believe we can all learn from each other. So please feel free to leave a comment on anything and everything I may have missed.
So as I have previously said before, after years and years of searching for what we believe to be the perfect piece of land. And a lot of prayers, we finally have found ten acres in the Missouri Ozarks. Now it is completely RAW untouched land. Meaning it has no utilities what so ever . No water , no power , no septic. No fencing for animals.
So here we will discuss where do we go from here. As you must be thinking , it all seems a bit overwhelming at times. So the first thing we must do is to start cutting a road into the property.
- Clearing the land and cleaning the land: When we first stepped foot on this land we discovered that it had previously had attempted to be logged. Now those attempts had proven unsuccessful, so there are literally tons of downed trees all over the ten acres. Honestly to most , this would be a good thing as there will be a lifetime of firewood for the homestead without having to cut down anymore trees.
Also we need to find a water source not only for us but the animals . We will touch briefly on dowsing and finding water in later blog posts but that is a priority. Also putting in a perimeter fence . Those are our two paramount priorities starting out before we ever consider putting in our home. Once those things get done we can move on to other projects.
Finding a homesite: We have walked and walked and walked the property countless times. Searching for just the right place for our forever home. There are several different considerations one must think about . Such as location from the road , we honestly are private people and do not wish to see any of the neighbors. So the deeper into the woods we can put our home the better. That being said you also need to read your survey so you know exactly where the property lines are at. As well as any setbacks that need to be observed.
Also you need to consider any other structures and there locations such as a barn , a garden , and a greenhouse. As previously mentioned this is our forever homestead and our desires are for the land to take care of the family and to be as self sufficient as possible.
So what is the bottom line here ? Now that we have found the land we have accomplished the first most crucial step into our journey. Now we have to set goals to accomplish our vision of a self susstaining homestead. You need to sit down and make a list on what you need and want and a rough timeline , so things wont seem overwhelming.
As promised there will be lots more content to come as we continue this journey to self sufficient , off grid living . I sincerely hope this blog is informational and educational to anyone who visits. God bless you all .
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