Horse Training Blog : Speaking Horse
When it comes to horse training there are certain principles that we must remember. In that we must learn how to speak a foreign language. We must learn how to speak horse. My hope for this is that not only will you better understand how to speak to the horse and how to ask your horse to do things in a way that they will understand. But I also hope to impart some wisdom and understanding on how to "read" a horse. So you will better understand what they are thinking and feeling from their point of view.
The first thing in learning how to speak horse, is understanding that they are prey animals. I would hope most understand this already. They eat grass therefore, they're naturally every other animals diet. Such as bears, mountain lions, coyotes, wolves etc, etc. We however are omnivores meaning we eat both meat and plants, so therefore we are also in that predator category. A good way to remember this is think about where our eyes are located. On all predators our eyes are directly in the middle of our face, adversely on all prey animals their eyes are on the sides of their heads . This is so they can see what's ahead as well as see any threats to their well being from the sides and the rear. Rabbits, incidentally can see in front , behind , and from the sides all at the same time. Horses however , have to turn their head slightly to see behind them. If you have ever noticed when you are standing directly behind them or for that matter directly in front of them they will naturally bend their head and neck so they can see you. they actually can not see you if you are standing 4" directly behind or in front of them . And that is due to their field of vision.They were designed to have their head down eating grass. So they need to be in tune with any threats in there immediate area.
Now that we have established our roles as prey vs. predator , let's discuss how strange it must be for a horse to allow a predator on to it's back. And then to have that predator to kick them to make them walk . You can literally sit up there and kick and kick and kick, and that horse will look at you like " what do you want me to do?" So we will discuss how to help them understand what we are asking of them.
Naturally, I will always start with asking these things from the ground. I like to use a riding crop to gently tap on their side , right where my heel would naturally be in the saddle. Once the horse takes ONE (1) step I will reward them . Then I will progress to two steps and so on. Once I feel the horse understands this . I will transfer that to asking from the saddle. I will start with a gentle squeeze, If I don't get any response I will give a gentle tap with my heels, Slowly increasing the intensity until the horse " get's it " If they are still not getting it I will have someone lead the horse, and by applying a small amount of pressure to the lead rope at the same time I am squeezing with my legs I will ask them to move out . Doing it in this method should not take that much time and you will be hitting the trails in no time. The Key thing to remember is to always and I mean ALWAYS start off from the ground and progress to the saddle and the horse will be able to more easily grasp what it is that you are asking.
Well I gave you some things to work with your horses on and I hope you have fun with building that bond with your horse. Because, ultimately that is what it's all about. That is why, even though I train horses professionally, I would much rather you, the owner does most of it yourself and I am just here to show you how to do it. It honestly does me , you or the horse no good if you have a horse trainer do all this and build that bond with YOUR horse . You are still going to have to establish a bond and level of trust with your horse. And I can guarantee , that the horse will go to the ends of the earth for you once you establish that trust and that bond.
Just out of curiosity, I was wondering, because I do not see any of the comments, if any. I want to know if anyone is actually reading this Blog on horsemanship. If there is anything , I mean ANYTHING AT ALL!!! that you would like to learn, or are having problems with please leave a comment or and email or both and I will get back to you quickly and write a blog helping with your horse training request.
Hope you all have a great day and God Bless.
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Well Happy Trails. And as always like and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more training tips.
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