Blessings to All this Sunday 11/06/2022
Good morning one and all , I hope you woke up this Sunday Morning praising Jesus and Thanking our Father God. He is Awesome and Good , yes he is . Honestly this bible study is going to be a bit off the cuff today and I am going to allow God to speak through my keyboard today, as I honestly didn't prepare anything formal.
Aww , this is a good verse Lord, Matthew 6:6 , and how many of us are guilty of this? I certainly know that I am . Praying out in public , for the whole world to see. Now I certainly do not think it is saying not to pray. However I think it is saying we should try and talk to our Father just one to one and not make a big show of it. I certainly will pray and thank my father whenever and where ever I am . Whether I am in public or not. I think we just need to practice HUMILITY and BE HUMBLE, when talking to God and not make such a big show of it, like they do at churches all over the place. God wants that relationship with US and JUST US. He wants us to fully trust in him and to fully LOVE him. He doesn't always want to hear about our wants or ( needs ) all the time. He just wants to hear from us and hear out thanks and gratitude for his blessings. More importantly he wants us to thank him for the most important gift of them all HIS GRACE & MERCY, and thank him for the gift of his son Jesus, and his sacrifice for US . We certainly didn't earn it . In fact it could be said we earned something else entirely.
For in Romans 6:23 ; It says " for the wages of sin is DEATH, but the Gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord."
And also in Romans 3:23, "For all have Sinned , and fall short of the Glory of God."
So we must ask ourselves what is it we have exactly earned as a reward. Honestly we deserve death and to be separated for all eternity from God. But Thankfully our Father doesn't feel that way . No matter how bad we mess up , as long as we turn to him . And open our hearts up and invite him inside to be a part of us and we work every day to continue to build that bond , that relationship that he desires . His Grace , and his Mercy will always be strong enough to cover our sins and wash them away . All we have to do is be strong enough to ask for that forgiveness from our Father.
I prayed this many , many years ago. In a church in Las Vegas , NV . Led by a woman , who at the rime I didn't know it, but would later become my Wife and the Mother to my two beautiful daughters. Now I must ask forgiveness because I will be paraphrasing. But I also believe it's not the words , but the actions of the heart that the Lord God really pays attention to.
Heavenly Father , I come to you to ask for your forgiveness , for the sins in my Life. Thank you Father for the gift of your son, and for the forgiveness that you have granted me. please come into my heart and fill me up with the holy spirit and with your grace and mercy so I may one day see you in heaven. Thank you Lord , In Jesus' name , AMEN.
Again , please forgive me that was paraphrasing the prayer I prayed many , many years ago. But I would like to thank you for praying that with me. And if anyone out there prayed that for the first time or the 100th time , please drop me a comment down below with your email. I would love to build a network of prayer warriors out here that can pray for each other at all times for all things. Thank you for reading this blog and watching and subscribing to my videos on YouTube.
I hope each and everyone of you has a blessed day and remembers to Thank God for all he does in our lives. I love you all and until my next post , happy trails .
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