Welcome to the Ranch Blog!

Welcome to the Rocking RD ranch Blog.

HOWDY Y'ALL! Welcome to the Rocking RD ranch Blog. This blog will be all about what goes on from day to day here on the ranch. My name is Ryan Kelly and I am a professional horse trainer and farrier, so it goes without saying that there will be lots and lots of horse and cattle related content on this blog. We are also in the process of getting ourselves a herd of Dexter cattle to provide our family and others with sustainable grass fed beef . There will be a more detailed article regarding dexters in a future article as well. There will also be articles with anything and everything to do with off grid living , as this ranch is an off grid place. So welcome to the 1800s, ok so not really. We will have some modern things on the ranch , just to make life easy. So if you have ever wanted to learn about ranching and horsemanship. Come on in , sit on back and enjoy the ranch and learn how grass fed / grass finished beef is raised. Also how and why we shoe horses , and how we start horses under saddle. 
By the way be sure to share the Blog if its something you enjoy and to help spread the word . We'd sure appreciate it. 


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