The Irish Dexter : The perfect small homestead cow.
Dexter cattle are a breed of small beef cows that have been bred to have all the wonderful traits of a standard cow, but in a smaller package. They are an excellent choice for homesteaders who want to raise their own beef cattle.
Dexter cattle are small but they have a lot to offer. They are easy to handle, have a low maintenance cost, and produce high-quality beef. Dexter cows can be used for many purposes such as on small homesteads or for petting zoos.
Dexter cattle are a small breed of beef cows, originating from Ireland. They are the perfect choice for someone who wants to keep a small homestead cow.
They grow to be around 4ft tall and weigh around 800 pounds. The Dexter cow is known for being very docile and easy to handle, which is why they make great pets as well as working animals.
Cattle are an important part of the homestead, and if you are looking for a smaller type of cow, then Dexter Cattle is the perfect option.
Dexter cattle were originally bred to produce beef and milk for subsistence farming. They are small cows, standing just under four feet tall at the shoulder and weighing about 800 pounds.
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