Good Morning Everyone !

 Well good morning everyone , as promised I am going to share my daily devotional every day with everyone its just something that God has called me to do. In fact I fully believe in my heart that he calls us all to spread his word to anyone and everyone who has a heart to hear it . 

        So here is what I take from this scripture, it's not enough to know that we have accepted Gods son Jesus into our hearts . We must fully have a true conversion in our hearts and lives to fully want to serve him. We also must fully trust in his plan for our lives. And we must fully, truly have a heart to serve him. 

        We must go to him daily or in most cases throughout the day to him and have that relationship with him. Just like we do with our earthly father down here. We must talk to him constantly, we must thank him for all and I mean ALL he does for us in our lives. EVERYTHING!!! Everything he does we must always And I mean ALWAYS ! thank him  for all of his blessings. And we must always give him all the praise and glory. 

        Let us go to him now in prayer: Father God right now I just want to say Thank You for all you do for me. For all of your blessings in my life. I thank you right now father for my family, for my home , my health, I thank you for the food, my home, my ability to make a living and the ability you give me to provide support for my family. I trust you father and thank you for supplying all of my needs . I trust in your plan for my life father and trust in you always. I thank you for your son Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross so a sinner like me can be saved and one day I will be able to see you in heaven. In your name I pray AMEN.

        Well as always I hope you all have a wonderful day filled with many blessings . I also hope each and everyone of you can be a blessing to someone else today. God bless and have a great weekend and a safe one as well. I love you all. 


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